Mental Health is Magic with Sarah Potter
Social Media Therapy
TikTok Made Me Do it: Diagnosing Yourself on TikTok With Dana Schmutte

TikTok Made Me Do it: Diagnosing Yourself on TikTok With Dana Schmutte

Dana Schmutte just might be my favorite person online right now. Her approach to ADHD on social media is both hilarious and brutally honest. 

Ever wondered why you hate brushing your teeth? Dana has the answer. Curious why it took TikTok for you to figure out you are ADHD?  Join Dana and I for a conversation on the DSM and how it is the most bullshit system in the mental health world and what we think needs to change. 

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Mental Health is Magic with Sarah Potter
Social Media Therapy
Supporting your mental health with podcast episodes, video, and recommended content.